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Track Surface Assessment Procedure Review

Following the events leading to the abandonment of the Bordertown race meeting on Sunday 18 August, Racing SA has undertaken a full review of the internal processes both prior to and on the day of the race meeting to ensure that this circumstance does not re-occur.

This review included both the processes regarding the condition and assessment of tracks (and any other issues that relate to the conduct of the meeting) and also the communication with participants throughout the process.

The review recommends reform in two phases; the prevention or minimisation of the likelihood of a race meeting abandonment, as well as the response and processes in regard to identifying, assessing and dealing with racing surface issues.

Further, the improved processes detailed below, were trialled recently, which saw the successful running of Naracoorte and Port Augusta race meetings.



In order to prevent or minimise the likelihood of a race meeting being abandoned, Racing SA will:

  • Enhance the current Industry Track Manager’s resources, including the addition of human resources, to assist the repair, preparation and management of racing surfaces throughout the State.
  • Continue to assess and review calendar year 2025 race dates in areas susceptible to surface issues throughout the colder months.
  • Continue to consult with race clubs to explore alternative options to race, within reasonable proximity to the meeting in question.


To provide a better system to avoid a race meeting being abandoned on the day, due to preventative safety concerns, for the remainder of 2024:

  • A Racing SA or District Steward will inspect the track for all TAB meetings within 48 hours of racing.
  • Both the Racing SA and District Steward will inspect the tracks based in the Southeast of the State, within 48 hours of racing.
  • Additional inspections and remedial works if practicable, will take place the day before the meeting, if issues are identified.
  • Improved communication to industry participants via sms messaging on race day when issues/delays present.

Further to the above reforms, Racing SA Stewards have reviewed the proximity of South Australian race meetings that are currently accessed via charter plane, and will drive as an alternative, to enable the commencement of the race meeting in the event of delayed plane travel. (eg. fog.)

Racing SA understands that it cannot control all events leading to the abandonment or postponement of a race meeting, however we are committed to ensuring that what participants (including trainers, jockeys, owners and patrons) experienced last month at Bordertown, does not occur again.

These processes will be reviewed again in 2025 and Racing SA will communicate further outcomes to the industry, where necessary.

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