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Henry The Bruce wins Off The Track Dressage crown

Henry The Bruce is thriving in his new life away from the racetrack.

A seven-start maiden during his racing career, the horse now named Bellucci’s Boy won Off The Track Dressage at the Australian Interschool Championships in Sydney last week for Jess Wedd.

“It definitely was a huge thrill and a bit of a surprise,’’ Chloe Wedd, who competes the horse in partnership with her sister said.

“Jess and I share him, and that was their first time competing together,’’ she said.

Bellucci’s Boy has taken a real shine to life after racing.

“I purchased him from John Macmillan last March (2021) and have slowly been training him up in both dressage and jumping,’’ Chloe Wedd said.

“He placed second in the OTT section at the Mallala Winter Series & has placed 1st & 2nd in both OTT dressage events held at Mt Crawford earlier this year,’’ she said.

Wedd said ‘Frank’, the only thoroughbred in their team of four competition horses, had been crucial in bring her younger sister into competition.

“Jess has only started riding again over the past couple of years,’’ Wedd said.

“She had never really ridden horses before (only ponies) however Frank is just the perfect dude. He’s settled into competition life easily and shows plenty of talent in both dressage and jumping.

“He’s a bit of a character, he loves his food very much and is a lot of fun to have around,’’ she said.

And his love for food was also welcomed after receiving a Thorough Care SA Assistance pack recently.

“He loved treats and has worn the rug all winter,’’ Wedd said.

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