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Jess Holt claims 300th Thorough Care assistance pack

A bond formed at the stable has continued off the track for Sitting Bull and his owner Jess Holt.

It was love at first sight when Sitting Bull came into the Sam Burford stable, Holt forming an instant connection that’s been strengthened in life after racing for the six-year-old who retired in September.

“Sitting Bull came into work, and I just fell in love with him,’’ Holt said.

“He’s got character. I remember thinking what’s going to happen when he retires, I’m going to be so sad, I almost got a tear in my eye thinking about him not being around.

“I thought I better say something to Sam, the owners knew how much I love him, and they were happy for me to have him,’’ she said.

And taking on the horse saw Holt seek out Thorough Care SA’s offer of an Assistance Pack for retired horses with Sitting Bull the 300th recipient.

“The assistance package was really helpful for someone like me who actually hasn’t owned a horse since I was 16,’’ Holt said.

“Not that I’d forgotten how to look after a horse, but there were a few things they recommended, feed and supplements …. he’s looking and feeling very well,’’ she said.

Racing SA Equine Welfare Officer John Cornell said it was great to see the connection formed at the stables carried through to life after racing.

“It’s great to see a link that Jess had with the horse during his racing days transfer into his post racing life,’’ Cornell said.

“We’re really please to be on board and offering that assistance to recently retired horses,’’ he said.

For more information on Thorough Care's assistance packages, click here.

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