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Murch begins new journey as Cadet Steward

A career fighting crime beckoned when Racing SA’s new Cadet Steward Lucas Murch started a degree in criminology in 2021, but he quickly realised that university wasn’t for him.

Despite no background in the racing industry, Murch had started working casually for Racing SA around the same time and it didn’t take long for him to get the racing bug.

“I started in December 2020 after I finished high school so over the next few years I got to know everyone in the industry and I really enjoyed it,” Murch said.

“I met a lot of great people and it was a lot of fun. The industry was all kinds of new to me when family friend Matt Santoro got me the job.

“I was just out the back with the horses swabbing and checking horses on race days. We’d communicate with trainers and the full time stewards, relaying back and forth what was happening out back.

“After a couple of months it really got its hooks into me and I really enjoyed it a lot,” he said.

When Keely Rayson recently started in a new role as Racing SA Equine Welfare Coordinator, it opened the door for a new Cadet Steward to join the team, and Murch was encouraged to apply.

“Senior Steward Sean Callanan has been a really good mentor for me this past year. We both live in Gawler and travel to a lot of race meetings together. He’s told me about his experiences as a steward and we’ve grown really close, and he helps me out with a lot of things,” said Murch.

“As soon as the job became available he informed me and helped me when I was applying for the Cadetship, and he has already been giving me a lot of guidance.”

Growing up the son of a policeman, enforcing rules and regulations seems like a natural fit for Murch. The former Xavier College student also juggled his Racing SA casual duties with umpiring in the Barossa Light & Gawler Football Association.

For now his sole focus is on the new full-time gig, and he “100%” recommends getting involved in the racing industry, even if you have no experience like he did.

“I had no experience with horses but what I can’t get over is how quickly it grew on me. There’s so much work out there as there’s so many races each week around the state, so it’s an easy thing to get into all year round.

“There’s lots of variety, you can work overseas, and I just love the horses in general, they’re really cool animals.

“All the people as well, you just learn a lot from talking to trainers and strappers and stewards as well, and there’s just something about it that’s stuck with me,” said Murch.

IMAGE: Atkins Photography

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