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Racing SA's Morphettville Parks Track Report

Track walked at 11am Thursday 23 March 2023 

Winning Post-1500m: Racing is again on the Parks track for the third Saturday in a row. The Parks has held up particularly well going into the last leg of three consecutive weeks and presents in excellent condition again, with a very tight mat of kikuyu thatch that presents an excellent cushion. The rail comes out from 6m to 9m from the 1000m to the winning post, then 6 metres for the remainder. It should race evenly and walks consistently. Rated a Good 4 at Thursday morning and walked in that range, with good moisture levels present. 

1500-800m (back straight): The track presents well with an excellent grass cover. This back straight section walks consistently well across the track, out to the three wide line and beyond and is expected to race evenly. Walked in the Good 4 range on Thursday and the Course Manager will continue irrigation to maintain this rating for Saturday, following 34ml for the week.

1400m-800m (chute): This presents very similarly to last week with a fresh pad of turf with the rail out further. Even and lush grass coverage during this section as expected and will race evenly on and away from the fence. Horses will not be disadvantaged racing slightly away from the fence in this section of the track, with new ground on the fence and out wider.

800m-400m: There are some slight areas of fill from last Saturday on the circle and turning for home, however these are not expected to disadvantage any runner on the rail. The coverage is mostly even and walks consistently on and away from the fence, apart from these areas of fill. It is expected to see fields start to fan into the straight, with a consistent coverage of grass in this area.

400m-Winning Post: Some slight areas of wear from last Saturday and jump-outs during the week may see horses fan out after straightening, near the 300 metre mark. As has been the pattern in recent weeks, it will be no surprise to see horses spread out in the straight, particularly later in the day. The track walks consistently and well in the straight, with recent jump outs and track gallops causing some wear and tear further past the 8-10 metre line, which should not come into play on Saturday. There is no appreciable difference from the fence out to the middle of the track and the coverage is lush and consistent across to the 10 metre line, where gallops out wider than this have caused some wear, which won’t come into play. Look for winners coming towards the middle of the track as the day goes on. Every runner should have their chance on an even and consistent track.

Verdict: The recent rail movements have been the key to helping the track present in very good condition again and should again play evenly and race well. Recently we have seen winners being a good mix of on-pace runners and backmarkers, winning near and away from the fence. Even with the rail out further, the Parks should play the same on Saturday. There is no evidence to suggest that one part of the track should be favoured over another, as it presents in excellent condition and should give every runner a chance. Rail movements out wide can tend to favour on pace runners, but pace of the race and tactics will play as much a part when assessing form. Good moisture levels on Thursday have the track primed to race evenly and be presented as a Good 4 on Saturday.

Speed maps will return next week.

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