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Chris Lawrie clinic a hit with participants

The first Thorough Care SA Clinic for 2023 was held with Chris Lawrie at the Palm Equine Indoor Arena at Mappinga Park, Oakbank.

The day saw 12 horse and rider combinations receive a shared hour lesson with Chris. The lessons provided thoroughbreds of all levels of experience - from straight off the track to seasoned show horses, the opportunity to gain exposure in new places and work with another horse in the arena, while also having the masterful help of Chris Lawrie.

Chris has shown thoroughbreds with enormous success for the majority of his life.

“They are just such forward thinking horses. They are so versatile and we see them exceed at not only showing, but in an array of disciplines," Lawrie said.

"The quality of thoroughbreds here today was great and it will be exciting to see them in the competition ring soon.”

Thorough Care SA has received brilliant feedback and will look to hold more clinics for an array of disciplines in the future.

“I was lucky to have been chosen for a spot and with my first choice thoroughbred unable to attend, Sizzle got the call up with only a few rides under his belt since retiring from racing," participant Jessika Bryce said.

"We had a few baby moments but also plenty of moments to make me smile.”

“The Thorough Care program for retired racehorses is such a rewarding program, so much time and effort is put into supporting their careers after racing,” pariticpant Demin Moloney said.


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