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Stable staff to be recognised at Industry Awards

Following on from the success of the last year the hard work and dedication of South Australia’s stable staff will be recognised as part of the annual 2023 TAB Racing SA Industry Awards. 

The gala event will again include two award categories – one for trackwork riders and one for strappers/stablehands – to acknowledge the vital role they play in the industry. 

The 2023 TAB Racing SA Industry Awards will be held on Saturday, September 9, 2023 at the Adelaide Convention Centre. 

Racing SA Chief Executive Vaughn Lynch said the South Australian racing industry had plenty to celebrate again in 2023. 

“The annual Industry Awards is a time to celebrate our top achievers from the past season and again we want to highlight the import role trackwork riders and stable staff play in the racing industry,” Lynch said. 

“There are stable staff across the state who work tirelessly year-round and deserve recognition. Often they aren’t in the spotlight but they are the core of the industry and play significant roles in its continuing success,” he said. 

Stable staff play a vital role in ensuring the wellbeing of a stable’s horses, while trackwork riders are crucial in helping train thoroughbreds to peak fitness. 

The criteria for the awards are as follows: 


A trackwork rider, non-apprentice or trial approved rider who deserves recognition for their outstanding work ethic and overall commitment to the industry. Submissions are required to come from a licensed trainer and will be judged by the Racing SA Board. 


Presented to a strapper/stablehand who deserves recognition for their outstanding work ethic and overall commitment to the industry. Submissions are required to come from a licensed trainer and will be judged by the Racing SA Board. 

Submissions for these awards are now open. 

Two of Racing SA’s existing awards are also now open for online nominations: 

Most Outstanding Achievement Award by a Club NOMINATE HERE

Most Outstanding Achievement Award by and Individual or Volunteer Group  NOMINATE HERE

The Racing SA Industry Awards recognise the top jockeys, trainers, horses, administrators, trackwork riders and strappers/stablehands for the current racing season across 16 industry award categories. 

A full list of the award categories and criteria, including previous winners, can be found here.  

To book tickets to the Racing SA Industry Awards, click here.

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