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Katie & Katelle aiming for back-to-back Australian titles

Thorough Care SA is sponsoring Katie Clark as she and her mount Katelle Grand attempt to be crowned the Off-The-Track Australian Show Jumping Champions for the second year running.

Queensland Racing is staging the Off-The-Track-Program Showcase at the Royal Brisbane Show with $50,000 of prize money on offer, including $10,000 to the winner paying down to 30th place.

Katie has forged a strong and successful partnership with Katelle Grand who’s known around the stable as John. He was bred by Gerry Harvey in 2011 and raced under the name of Easy Grand in both South Australia and Victoria for one win from nine starts.

“Lucky for me, racing was not for him and he was retired from racing in 2016,” said Katie.

“He found his way to me via my Uncle and Aunty – Tim and Michelle Clark of Mallala Equestrian Centre. 

“As a show jumper John is very talented having been extremely successful at National level in amateur classes and of course Off the Track Championships. He is very consistent having progressed through the height classes to now competing at the 1.25 – 1.30m level.

“John is a striking 16.2hh liver chestnut who has been a pleasure to train. He is always willing to learn and do his best and we have travelled to Victoria regularly in the last 18 months to some of the best competitions in Australia,” she said.  

As well as a number of good performances in open company, Katie and John also claimed the Racing Victoria Off-The-Track title last year.

The Thorough Care SA sponsorship will help cover the cost of the road trip to Queensland. Katie is a mechanical engineer who balances her considerable work commitments with travelling around the country to compete.  

“I am an amateur competitor in the true sense of the word. I could not do what I do without the total support of my parents, Simon and Kylie Clark.

“We are not a stable that buys and sells our horses; we do it for the enjoyment we get out of training and producing well-educated show jumpers and presenting them in excellent condition.

“We love John and he will live with us at the farm forever,” said Katie.

As well as attempting to defend their OTT Australian Championship, the duo also plan to travel to SIEC in Sydney in November, as well as head to their first TSHA National Championships at Stonewall in NSW.

You can see more photos and follow Katie and John’s Brisbane trip on her show jumping Instagram @katelle_sj

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