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Chelsey Reynolds Making Strides in Recovery

South Australian racing apprentice jockey Chelsey Reynolds is making remarkable progress in her recovery following a fall earlier this year.

Chelsey's partner, Craig Merritt, reports that she is doing exceptionally well and eagerly anticipates returning home. In recent weeks, Chelsey has taken her first assisted steps and continues to grow stronger each day. Thanks to ongoing therapy, she has also regained much of her speech and comprehension.

Chelsey’s spirits have been uplifted by the numerous supportive messages she has received on Facebook and is now able to respond to these well-wishes, which have played a crucial role in maintaining her positive outlook during this time.

In a significant milestone, Chelsey and Craig celebrated his birthday on Friday by enjoying an unassisted lunch with friends—their first unassisted outing together since her accident.

Chelsey's family extends their heartfelt thanks for the love and support they have received. They kindly request continued privacy as she continues her recovery journey.

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