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Old Apprentice Academy SA training buildings on the move

The old Racing SA Apprentice Academy training buildings are on the move to the Hawker Racing Club and the Jamestown Racecourse.

After an expressions of interest process, Racing SA’s new Training and Infrastructure Manager Rob Heinjus says there were two clear candidates.

“Jamestown Racing Club sent a convoy of people down here to have a look at the buildings once they got the expressions of interest email,” said Heinjus

“They needed jockey’s rooms, so they’ve got the changerooms and toilets and taking those amenities for their Cup Day.

“We knew Hawker had an imminent need for a new building because they lost the roof of their building two years ago. We’ve been out there to have a look and they were dead keen about taking one of the buildings.

“Hawker has committed to the transportable classroom which they will refurbish as an administration building, stewards rooms, and jockey’s rooms.

“I think this is a great example of repurposing these buildings particularly when there has been a need driven by the increasing number of female jockeys and a lot of clubs don’t have the infrastructure for it,” he said.

Kennett Builders will transport the buildings on the 4th and 5th of July and in return will take ownership of the TRP building.

The clubs will use their own resources to help fit out the buildings for their needs.

Jamestown Chairman Phil Dibben says the club couldn’t be happier.

“We had developed a three-to-five-year plan to redevelop our facilities and the generosity of Racing SA has enabled us to bring forward the project and saved us tens of thousands of dollars along the way,” said Phil.

“The jockeys will be in facilities that they have grown accustomed to at the apprentice training facilities. For our club that races once a year we couldn’t be more appreciative.”

The new Apprentice Academy training facility at Somerton Park is expected to be ready in August.

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